
Hyunjin's issue gone wrong


"Isn't Stray kids a 2-3 years old boy group? but they often get into scandals?"
"Why they're facing a lot of problem?"
"Hyunjin again?"
"Bang chan is trending again?? I think STAYs are clearing the searches"
These were the hurtful words I heard from STAY and Knetz.

That first question was actually true. Stray Kids getting hate that they shouldn't. Since their debut to till this second Stray Kids are getting hate. 
  • Hyunjin bullying issue 
  • Bang Chan's hairstyle made him racist
  • Woojin's departure
  • Han's health issue
  • Hyunjin's costume made him racist
  • Bang chan costume too
  • Han's video call
  • Bangchan's MAMA stage idea
  • Han's old song
  • Felix's weight loss 
  • Hyunjin's mid school bullying issue
Did I forgot something?? Let me know if there is! 
Woojin's scandal in 2020 was not a part of Stray Kids!

We got 3 apology letter. One is from Stray Kids, one from Han and last one is from Hyunjin. Though most of the STAYs tweeted while Hyunjin's costume made him racist and that was unintentional and Han's song, this time they know what they need to do. 

If some of you guys don't know what happened, I'll tell you
Hyunjin was accused of school bullying when he was in his mid school. The victim said that Hyunjin bullied her verbally in class group chat for not closing the door and not giving money. Though it doesn't seem like an issue, it was a big issue for knetz. Not only Hyunjin, idols of different groups, actors and actresses were accused on these issue. It went like a me too movement.

Though Hyunjin's issue was fake, the victim said that she need an answer for this and she continuously posted some proofs but those proofs had text messages of the victim and the replies were cropped. That person's name was unknown still.

How it evoke?
It was from Pann Nate. It was a Korean opinion forum. Somewhat like Twitter as it was based of trending, tweets, retweets and hashtags. But the author of the post will be shown as anonymous. It like the birth place for fire and it's best for Knetz.

What is the actual issue?
"I went to Seongnae Middle School and during my second year of middle school, I was in the same class as Hwang Hyunjin. I am a victim of his school violence.

He caused me so much pain that I contemplated committing suicide. My past was like hell for me and reminding myself of what happened makes my hands tremble in fear. When he debuted, and I would see him on my television, I would be reminded of all the horrible memories from my past. It was hard for me to live my normal daily life due to the trauma that I received.

 He beat me up on campus because I didn’t block the ball during a soccer game. He cursed at me and picked on me because of my size. I became a loser all because I couldn’t block the soccer ball. After this incident, I became the target of Hwang Hyunjin’s mockery and torment.

My name became a joke. In a group chat, he would write things such as, ‘Are you ____ (alleged victim’s name)? Why are you acting like him?’ He would use my name to joke around with his friends. I wasn’t able to do anything about the group chatroom and that made me fall into an even deeper depression. I became so fearful that at one point, I stopped going into the group chatroom. My self-esteem became non-existent.

I may not have physical evidence, but I do have witnesses. I have been collecting their testimonies. I’m sorry that I only have my words and no actual evidence.

I wrote these experiences exactly as they happened. I didn’t want to have proof of the experiences that made life so difficult for me. I wanted to die back then because it was too much to handle. I do want to reiterate that while I may not have photo or video proof, I do have the testimonies of the witnesses who saw what happened. 
— Alleged victim"
This person showed chat screenshots as a proof. One was from Kakao which didn't have proper date and second one is also a chat but It doesn't have Assailant's replies. 

When did I issue popped up?
This issue popped up all of a sudden before Kingdom's Intro stage. But STAYs were busy voting and they didn't care about this. Twitter STAYs thought that, these were created to distract the Kingdom. But soon it started to spread like a fire. STAY were making fun victim's issue with "Back Door"

First Statement of JYP
Meanwhile Hyunjin's school friends cleared his name but knetz couldn't accept that. Before JYP releases an official notice, 100+ accounts were created in PANN to defame Hyunjin. Luckily STAYs believe Hyunjin and even now.

These fake acquisitions lead to
  1. CLIO teaser picture rescheduled (I wish it must be because of Kingdom and not because of this issue)
  2. Itzy Yeji will be substitute for Hyunjin for Music core Saturday 
  3. Hyunjin's absence in JYP Bubble
  4. Hyunjin was not there in MBN Y Forum
After 3 days of investigation JYPE said

Hyunjin's apology letter translation

STAYs are mad at JYPE for mentioned that last time. Though every STAY, AGHASE, ONCE, My Day hate JYP/JYPE, I didn't hate him that much because he produced best bands and those members are really precious like gems. But today, I was really disappointed on JYPE because of that. 

Also, I'm mentioning this again that "No one is born perfect or no one can be perfect"
Idols can't be perfect. They're human too, they make mistake like us, they get hurt like us, they wish to take rest too. And they change too.

"Change is the only thing that doesn't change"
(A proverb that says there is a change for everything that exist in this world) 
Believe in CHANGE. People make mistakes in the past but it doesn't mean that they didn't change. We guys changed too. Our preferences change. Most of the times, people make mistakes because of immaturity. And Hyunjin stuck because of that. He didn't bully anyone but still he apologize because some people might get hurt because of him. We might've hurt someone intentionally or unintentionally, If we didn't do that, we're not living a life. 

Hyunjin's teacher also made a statement on this issue here In short, his teacher was worried that he was accused as a bully just because he became an Idol
“It’s cruel to put the blame all to Hyunjin just because he’s a celebrity”
And, I hope Hyunjin is fine. I wish Stray Kids doesn't get involved in stupid acquisitions. I might've made some mistakes. You can ask me through comment. I'll reply to your comments for sure :)

On MBN Y Forum Leeknow said
"Thanks to the choices I made, I was able to meet members of Stray Kids. I have these friends that I will walk together with in this path, I feel so encouraged being surrounded by this people so I can express myself. I'm grateful I'm part of this team."

Before I conclude, I just wanna say, "Trust Stray Kids"

Thank you



  1. Wdym by STAYS making fun about the issue with Back Door ??

    1. Assailant asked Victim to close the BACK DOOR of the classroom.
      STAYs said "That was a spoiler for Back Door and HyunJin wanted STAYs to enter through Back Door"

  2. Do you think this could lead to hyunjin leaving skz? because of his past rumor, the "playboy" one?

    1. No, he won't leave Stray Kids. If he did, it's a major loss for JYPE and Stray Kids. Also this was not a "Play Boy" kinda rumor. It's like a kids arguing for a pencil and highest marks in exam. That person is not mature enough to understand the immaturity at their young age

    2. I know right,. It was so unfair..just because he's a celebrity he will just accept the blame and take responsibility of it even though he didn't really bully anyone. It's just a small verbal conflict

  3. Wait I'm sorry, but I'm kind of confused... were the rumors true or did hyunjin apologize anyway even if there wasnt clear evidence? I'm sorry its like 5 am here and I only had 3 hours of sleep this entire week @.@

    1. though he didn't do any mistake, he thought that someone might've hurt because of his immaturity. So, he still want to apologize and it'll also help him in the future too. If he was accused in these kinda situation, we can proctect him

  4. For me this is so suspicious, a lot of kpop idols had the same issue. Bullying. I heard that soyeon (?) from g-idle was also accused. Bullying is a big deal in sokor.I was once bullied and when this came up, i was shocked. I was a new stay and didn't knew a lot. I heard that he was also accused before that made him cry in a fan meet. If this is just another way to defame skz, i hope jype takes action. Their idol's mental health is important. We don't want to lose another member. And if this is true, i will continue to support them, he already said what he has to say and as a fan i appreciated that he wrote an apology letter. Let's win the crown in kingdom. :*

    1. around 8 K-pop idols and 3 actors and actresses were accused of this issue. Most of them were false and they just want to put them in trouble

  5. Lack of evidences, lack of witnessess, and then JYPE made him apologize. If its on the court that can be a crucial evidence against the accused. Geezzzz I guess JYPE just wanted to clear their company name or JYPE didn't really investigated the matter thoroughly.
    Apologizing is not enough in the near future it will resurface again so before that happens they should have evidences that would make the accused innocent. Haaaayyyssss

    1. I think for now though it was disappointing..its the best way to end the issue..because if its gets too far leading to the authorities to look for evidence,.he will really need to step out of SKZ,that'sthe way it is in korea if you get involve in a lawsuit you cannot promote in there and appear in t.v...if the issue will take longer to solve and his reputation will get more damage even if in the end he the lawsuit because of lack of evidence

  6. The best way for us to do is continue to support him and leave positive comments everywhere..ignore those haters. Focus in voting on whosfan,.he is leading in best dancer category,.and picture promotion in time square

  7. I hope he has sought legal advice and will pursue those who continue to defame him. Teenagers are asshats (to their families, friends, teachers and the world in general) and should not have their hormone driven behaviours held against them as adults. These claims are offensive to all those who have suffered REAL and SERIOUS bullying. Had the accuser a genuine complaint there are avenues to pursue them with - social media is NOT one.


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